Welcome to the food emporium, where recipes are brought together and shared by people with a love affair for food. This is for people who love to prepare the holiday dinner just to watch the reaction as your creation is savoured. Just to let you know, I will not be posting pictures of the recipes simultaneously with the recipe but if you do want to see a picture of any recipe you will find it on my instagram, stringbeanela

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Oven Rice

In our family, comfort food was more associated with oven rice over mac n cheese and today was so disgusting out that I had make it for supper. Much to my dismay I found I could not because I don't have onion soup mix. Don't worry your pretty little hearts though because I was talking to my sister and she told me to put in coconut milk and spices instead. I am very pleased to say that this version is almost just as excellent as the original. So thank you Sara for making my supper delicious.

Oven Rice

2 c uncooked rice
1 can coconut milk
1-2 c water
1/4 c Bragg or soy sauce
Spoonful of coconut oil or 3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp beef stock
1tbsp pepper
A few shakes of cayenne pepper
1 small onion diced small
1 c chopped mushrooms

Put the rice in an oven safe container that you can cover. Measure out the coconut milk from the can and add enough water so that the total liquid between water and coconut milk is 3 cups, pour over the rice along with everything else, stir the rice well so that there is no dry patches and cover. Cook at 350 for 60-65 minutes until there is no liquid left you can also uncover and brown the rice for the last few minutes if you like your rice a bit crispy. Play with this recipe yourself and let me know how yours turns out.

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