Welcome to the food emporium, where recipes are brought together and shared by people with a love affair for food. This is for people who love to prepare the holiday dinner just to watch the reaction as your creation is savoured. Just to let you know, I will not be posting pictures of the recipes simultaneously with the recipe but if you do want to see a picture of any recipe you will find it on my instagram, stringbeanela

Monday, February 4, 2013

Vibrant Greens

I know I know, I haven't put a recipe up all weekend but I decided I would make this a Monday to Friday thing since weekends are very unpredictable.  Tonight I made a supper that revolved around the fact that I didn't really feel like cooking meat.  I made the rice and yogurt dish from last week which was called Just Rice along with sautéed broccoli.  The only thing I changed from the rice last week was that I used brown rice instead of white.  As for the broccoli the general idea is that I sautéed half a red onion in coconut oil until the onion had just begun to brown and added, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 crowns of broccoli.  I sautéed them until the broccoli was a vibrant green.  I took the pan off the heat added a sprinkling of bragg, soy sauce could be used instead and that my friends was my supper in a nutshell.

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