Welcome to the food emporium, where recipes are brought together and shared by people with a love affair for food. This is for people who love to prepare the holiday dinner just to watch the reaction as your creation is savoured. Just to let you know, I will not be posting pictures of the recipes simultaneously with the recipe but if you do want to see a picture of any recipe you will find it on my instagram, stringbeanela

Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Late Start to the New Year

Hello...  I know it has been awhile, at this point I can't even apologize for not posting anything recently.  How about we wipe the slate clean and start over fresh?  I figured out why I had such a hard time putting up posts before, it's because it would take me so long to get the pictures onto my computer that I was no longer excited about the recipe.  I recently made an investment to rid myself of my archaic dinosaur of a phone and purchase a phone that shall we say brought me up to speed with the rest of the world... Anyway with this phone I have decided that the pictures of my food will go up on instagram so that I don't have to fiddle with importing them and all that jazz and I will just post the recipes on the blog.  Et Voila I have solved all my problems since I won't get complaints from the peanut gallery that there is no pictures and I will still be excited enough about the recipe to want to post it. At this point if you're wondering what my instagram is so that you can see the pictures it is, stringbeanela.  I will get the pictures up onto the blog as well it just probably won't all happen in one evening.  Again I apologize and hopefully this time everyone can get as excited as me about food. :)

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