Welcome to the food emporium, where recipes are brought together and shared by people with a love affair for food. This is for people who love to prepare the holiday dinner just to watch the reaction as your creation is savoured. Just to let you know, I will not be posting pictures of the recipes simultaneously with the recipe but if you do want to see a picture of any recipe you will find it on my instagram, stringbeanela

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Positively Peachy Waffles

Everybody loves breakfast for supper. Or at least that's true for me. Either way if you don't like breakfast for supper then just make this for breakfast instead. I made a healthier spelt waffle with peach yogurt on top. If you want to make this recipe without spelt flour and almond milk you can substitute normal milk and white flour straight across without any troubles.

Waffle Recipe:

2 C Spelt Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Salt
2 tbsp Sugar
2 Large Eggs
1/3 C Butter
1 2/3 C Almond Milk

Mix the dry ingredients together. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Beat the egg yolks, add in the almond milk and melted butter. Combine liquid and dry ingredients. Fold in egg whites then cook in a preheated waffle iron.

For the peach yogurt I took some canned peaches and mixed half a mason jar of peaches with half a large Balkan style yogurt. You can also mix yogurt and raspberries or really any fruit, those two are my favourites though.

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